Monday, November 6, 2023

Preaching activities from October 4 to November 5, 2023

October 4 (Midweek service)

For our first midweek service of the month, we continue to study the book of Matthew. Brother Rody Gumpad shared to us the lesson on Matthew 26:17-25.

October 5 (Dagupan)

I went to visit sister Felisa Castro because I haven't seen her in a while in the church. I didn't find her in their house but found her son. He told me that his mother went to Manila to work as a family helper. She was there since September. 

I then went to visit the Mangulad family. Three of them who are here in the Philippines are already Christians while their other son who is in Qatar is not yet a member. 

October 7, I should be joining in the gospel meeting at Lapogan Church at Tumauini but we had an emergency. I brought my daughter to the doctor because she is having fever.

October 8 (Sunday worship)

In our bible study here at Tuguegarao, brother Flor Constantino shared to us Mark 11:1-19. The elders gave me the topic on Mark 15 to be discussed in the latter time. In the sermon, brother Rody preached Matthew 26:26-30.

 In the afternoon, at Palca, I shared to them a lesson I got from brother Keith Greer about "A Parking Violation". From his outline, I needed to make a point that it will apply to us here in the Philippines and especially as Christians in the community.

In Dagupan, brother Robert Races preached about "Acceptable worship". I also added some doctrinal matters after his sermon, but with his permission. 

October 11 (Midweek service)

We continue to study the book of Matthew and brother Rody shared Matthew 26:31-35.  

October 13 (Palca)

I went to visit Mrs. Loida. She is the daughter of sister Linda Uton. Mrs. Loida have diabetes that had complications on her health. They needed to cut one her leg inorder for her to survive. Right now, she is wearing a prosthesis. I shared to her the true Church Jesus built because she is a devoted member of the Methodist Church and also one of their officers. The next Sunday after this, she is already attending worships with us. She was absent November 5 because she was sick again. I will continue to help her understand the truth and hoping that someday, she will also obey the truth.

October 14 (Gospel Meeting)

We were invited to attend the Gospel Meeting at Santiago Church at Mallig where brother Victor Ramos is preaching. I was told at first that I will be one of the speakers and so I prepared a lesson for it. When we arrived brother Edgard Licodini is already preaching. But because of limited time, I wasn't able to stand and preach anymore, they gave the remaining time to brother Rody who preached about "Hearing the voice of Jesus". Invitation was extended and 1 precious soul confess his faith. 

In the river, before they immersed him in water, brother Victor asked me to explain the reason why we one needed to be baptized and after the baptism, I also explain Ephesians 4 to him. I may not be able to teach in the Gospel Meeting but I feel like I already shared a sermon to brother Jeruel when he was baptized.

October 15 (Sunday Worship)

In our bible study, brother Flor continued the lesson on Mark 11:20-33, and in the sermon, brother Rody preached Matthew 26:36-46. After the sermon, a young lady came in front together with her mother because they wanted her to be baptized. Unfortunately, after many questions, she still doesn't understand the real meaning of baptism. We advised her to study more and listen to all the preachings.

In the afternoon at Palca, brother Robert  preached to us the lesson "Be patient". And in Dagupan, I preached to them about "Human Philosophies in Religion". 

October 18 (Midweek Service)

For our bible study, brother Jay shared to us a good lesson entitled "How Israel destroyed their relationship to God". He was invited by the elders to preached to us.

October 19 (Dagupan and Palca)

I went to the two villages for possible visitation, but most of the brethren whom I intended to visit are not in their houses and so I just went around the place and talk to several people, inviting them to attend with us on our worships. I do not have bible tracts during that time because it was not part of the plan. 

October 21 (Gospel Meeting)

We went to Dugayong Church for their invitation of Gospel Meeting. I was one of the preachers whom they ask to lead spiritual song. There are three speakers in the activity:

brother Jun Miranda who preached regarding "Water"

brother Jerome Forelo who preached about "Conversion"

and brother Rody Gumpad who preached "Matthew 26:47-56"

Invitation was extended and there were 4 precious souls who confess their faith. They were baptised in the baptistery at the back of the chapel. The chapel was just newly built. It was their first time to use the building. 

October 22 (Sunday Worships)

In our bible study at Tuguegarao, brother Anthony Panopio started the topic on "Mark 12:1-16" and in the sermon, brother Rody preached "Matthew 26:57-68".

In the afternoon, at Palca, I asked Jhian to come with us. He shared a good sermon regarding "Spiritual Battles in life". I can say, he already learned a lot even just in the age of 15. He preached the lesson well, even though sometimes I need to do whisper of things we needed to correct. Help us pray for this young man because he really want to become a preacher.

In Dagupan, brother Robert preached to us a sermon on "Numbers 21:1-9: Israel in the past".

October 25 (Midweek Service)

The elders invited again another preacher. This time it was brother Alex Genilba, who is a preacher at San Vicente Church and Karikitan Church. He gave me his outline a week before and asked me to put it in powerpoint. He doesn't know much about gadgets. I borrowed the laptop of the church to work on it. He preached the lesson "Christian’s most awaited future".

October 26 (Dagupan)

I was invited by brother Enzo Simangan at Dagupan to share God's word to a group of electoral candidates. Brother Enzo is running for a position in their village and they want me to give the advises coming from the bible regarding this. I used several leaders in the bible that do good and those who did evil in the sight of God. Thankfully, brother Enzo won as a village councilor. Please pray for him that he will do his job according to what God wants.

October 29 (Sunday Worship)

In our bible study at Tuguegarao, brother Anthony continued his part on the series we are studying on the book of Mark. He shared to us the end of his part on "Mark 12:13-34". In the sermon, brother Rody preached "Matthew 27:33-44"

In the afternoon, at Palca, brother Robert didn't join me because he is suffering from fever. He only informed me 30 minutes before I went to Palca and so I didn't have time to call on Jhian and Henry. I did most of the work in Palca and preached the lesson "Small Things".

In Dagupan, the two are with me and so my only work was to preach and I shared the same lesson to them.

October 30-31 

I was asked by brother Rody to drive him to Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija because he will be having an MRI. We have the equipments here in Tuguegarao but the line for those who will use it is very long. The nearest date is 5 months from now. In Cabanatuan, we can just come as walk-in and they will do the test immediately. It was an 8 hours drive from here. After the examinations, we slept their for a night and went back home the next day.

November 1 (Midweek Service)

For our bible study, brother Rody preached "Matthew 27:45-50".

November 3 (Dagupan)

I went to visit again sister Felisa Castro and luckily, she was at their house. She came home for a short vacation. October 30 to November 2 is a non-working holiday here in the Philippines and many are in vacation. I talk to them about the bible and made several contacts to the preachers at Manila to help her find the nearest church (Navotas Church) where she is working. Thankfully, we found one and that will be the congregation she will be joining the next week.

November 5 (Sunday Worship)

We moved our worship for both Palca and Dagupan in the morning just for this week. Some of the brethren who came back home for vacation are still with us but most of them already went back to their works in other towns. In both congregations I preached to them about "Ecclesiastes 12:1 - Remembering our creator during our youth". 

Preaching activities from May 1-29, 2024

May 1 (Midweek Service) For our bible study, the elders decided that they will invite preachers again from other congregations to teach. T...